Interview with AHMED SEDIG, President of the Nouadhibou NGO Network (RONG), HAMAP-Humanitaire’s local partner in Mauritania

Ahmed Sedig is the President of the Nouadhibou NGO Network (RONG). In this interview, he talks about working with HAMAP-Humanitaire.

Could you introduce yourself and tell us about the Nouadhibou NGO Network (RONG) and what it does?

I’m Ahmed Sedig, president of the RONG. The Nouadhibou NGO Network was created in 2002 and brings together some fifty active NGOs. It operates in Nouadhibou in a number of fields, including human rights, health, education and the fight against poverty. HAMAP-Humanitaire is its first foreign partner.

How did you come to work with HAMAP-Humanitaire?

Historically, HAMAP-Humanitaire began its activities in the mine action sector in Mauritania. In 2011, the RONG was involved in mine risk education and awareness-raising activities. On the strength of this good collaboration and in view of the needs in terms of access to sanitation, HAMAP-Humanitaire and the RONG led a project to rehabilitate and build sanitary facilities in eight schools in the town in 2019. Today, the RONG is delighted to be partnering HAMAP-Humanitaire once again in a new sanitation access project, this time involving the city’s middle and high schools.

What are the benefits of working with HAMAP on this project?

Following the success of previous projects, HAMAP-Humanitaire and RONG are continuing their collaboration. By facilitating access to latrines, we hope to improve education, reduce the drop-out rate, particularly among girls, and improve health and hygiene in our schools. We would like to thank HAMAP-Humanitaire for its support in achieving these objectives.