Mine action

The history of HAMAP-Humanitaire is closely linked to the action against mines. From the birth of the association in 1999, the year of the Ottawa Treaty, to the name HAMAP which means “Stop Anti-Personnel Mines” until today, with mine awareness and demining projects mainly in the Middle East, the history of the association is marked by its humanitarian commitment to reduce the impact of conventional weapons on civilian populations.

The objective of demining is to return safe land to the inhabitants, to reduce accidents and to ensure the personal and economic security of the local population. It enables them to rebuild, to cultivate again and allows the safe return of displaced persons or refugees.

HAMAP-Humanitaire’s work is aimed at demining affected areas, but also at ensuring that people are aware of the risks associated with mines and other forms of explosive devices, thus reducing the risk of injury and damage to property and the environment.