Health missions – Haïti

Health missions - Haïti

Port au Prince

Commune des Bouquets

The commune de la Croix des Bouquets is located at the Northeast of Port au Prince and at the South of the airport. In this commune, there is the parish of Notre Dame de Bon Repos created by Father Joseph HILAIRE, doctor, professor of psychiatry and, general secreatry of the university of Notre Dame d’Haïti. This parish was created for people who lost everything during the hearthquake of 2010. They came to take refuge and colonize this hill, creating a shanty town which little by little saw the erection of permanent buildings. Father Hilaire set up a nursery and elementary school in Canaan, at the top of the hill, and a college in Santos at the bottom. This represents 300 to 400 students. These 2 districts are animated by religious and 3 nuns.


Support for local health development to improve life conditions of the population

HAMAP contact

  • Project coordinator: Amina DAHANE
  • In charge of the health field of the health project: Josiane SABATIER tel : +33 699421860
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