in Huma Development Index
access to sanitation
Capital: Ouagadougou
Area: 274 400 km²
Official language: French
Number of inhabitants: 20,9 million
Life expectancy: 62,2 years
Literacy rate: 39,3% of the population over 15 years
Training of trainers for the improvement of primary education
Training of trainers for the improvement of primary education Ouagadougou Burkina Faso The education system in Burkina Faso is facing enormous difficulties and the numerous
February 18, 2020
Access to sanitation in schools
Tous nos projets Access to sanitation in schools Kokologo and koudougou – Burkina Faso This project consists of installing sanitary blocks in schools in order
November 10, 2019
SOS fille-mère : reception and reintegration of young mothers and their children
SOS FILLE-MERE : Reception and reintegration of young mothers and their children Nabitenga , Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso In Ouagadougou today, there are many unwanted pregnancies, especially
January 27, 2017