Proposal to improve access to drinking water-PALESTINE

Municipality of Jalboun, Jenin Governorate, Palestine

Jalboun is a village in the north-east of the West Bank, right next to the separation wall and Israel. It is one of the last villages in Palestine with no drinking water distribution system for its inhabitants, who rely on tanker trucks for their supplies. A hydraulic master plan was completed in 2018 to remedy this situation. Most of the network and works are currently under construction by the Palestinian Authority and the World Bank. French cooperation wishes to complement this action by offering support to the Jalboun Municipal Council, aiming to create, equip, train and structure a municipal water department capable of managing the network over the long term and delivering a quality service to the population.


Sustainable improvement in access to drinking water in Jalboun

Our local partner

Municipality of Jalboun

Our financial partners

Contact HAMAP-Humanitaire

Maxime DECAENS :