Extension of the drinking water network
Timbi Touni, Guinea
In 2019, the commune of Timbi Touni is supplied by a drinking water supply system that has existed for over 22 years. The latter, aging and undersized in relation to the water needs of the population, was renovated during a project carried out by the association for the development of Timbi Touni in France (ADTTF). However, since demand is high, the ADTTF, supported by the town hall and HAMAP-Humanitaire, wishes to extend the network to the identified neighborhoods and improve the water distribution service.
In addition to this work, support for the management of the service will be put in place, in particular through the launch of a billing software. In order to ensure the sustainability of the water distribution service, an awareness-raising component on good hygiene practices will be managed by the National Service of Water Points of Guinea (SNAPE).
Improving access and management of the drinking water service in the commune of Timbi Touni
- Implementation of a billing and management software for the water service
- Rehabilitation of the distribution network and extension of the water network
- Creation of 13 standpipes and 250 private connections
- Support to local actors in the management of the water service
- Raising awareness among users of good water hygiene practices and the need to pay for water to ensure the sustainability of the water service
- 20 000 persons
- 24 months
- 278 300 €
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HAMAP-Humanitaire contact
Tamara AUDONNET : tamara.audonnet@hamap.org