Access to water, sanitation and hygiene-CAMBODGE

Basin of Tsung Sen, Cambodge

Water and sanitation remain key issues for development in Cambodia. Since 2012, the Rhin-Meuse and Loire-Bretagne water agencies have been supporting the Tonle Sap Lake authorities to promote Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Stung Sen river basin. HAMAP-Humanitaire is contributing to this objective by proposing various projects to provide access to water and sanitation in priority villages in the basin. The aim of this project is to set up a drinking water supply system and improved sanitation infrastructure in the village of Dang Kamblet, which currently has none. This project is part of a more global and concerted program of water management and governance throughout the Stung Sen basin, in close collaboration with a number of French and Cambodian st


Improving access to drinking water and sanitation Supporting good hygiene practices in the Stung Sen basin.

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