The Ministry’s health decentralization policy is largely based on the districts. There are several problems: Les problèmes rencontrés sont multiples : insufficient quantity and quality of personnel, unsatisfactory quality of services, lack of financial means.
Source : « development plan – health sector 2007-2011 »
Ministry of Health, Family Planning and Social Welfare.
Build local capacity to facilitate access to care for disadvantaged populations.
- Medical consultations, dental care, nursing care and dispensing of medication.
- Detection of chronic pathologies such as leprosy and tuberculosis. Establishment of a follow-up.
- Knowledge exchange with local staff in the clinics
- Awareness and/or learning of hygiene rules for women and children
- Disadvantaged populations and women and children in priority
- 15-day mission
- To be determined
HAMAP contact
Project manager
- Project coordinator : Amina DAHANE
- In charge of the health field : Josiane SABATIER tel : +33 699421860
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