Formation of water management committees for sustainable management of water access infrastructure in the Stung Sen basin



Since 2012, the Rhine-Meuse Water Agency has been working with the International Office for Water and the Loire-Brittany Water Agency to promote Integrated Water Resources Management in the Stung Sen river basin. HAMAP-Humanitaire has been taking part in this institutional cooperation since 2015 in the commune of Putrea. A water tower has been installed in a water access project and a water management committee set up. A second phase of this project is underway, for the expansion of the water network. The results achieved by the water management committee of Putrea being satisfactory and in line with the strategy of the area, the present project aims at setting up for each village having benefited from the installation of a water tower (6 communes and 3 NGOs involved), a training/accompaniment phase complementary to the existing management committees inspired by the experimentation on Putrea


To train the committees to ensure a techincal follow-up of the quality on 6 water towers built or under construction to facilitate the follow-up and the global management of the water towers by the bassin agency within the framework of the institutional cooperation between the Rine-Meuse Water Agency, the Loire-Brittany Water Agency and the Tonle Sap Authority

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ONG Rain Water Cambodia

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Maxime Decaens: