Reduce the vulnerability of civilian populations exposed to the presence of mines, explosive devices...
Northeast Syria
Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, one of the main challenges faced by the population is related to the presence of housands of landmines, explosive remnants of war and improvised explosive devices present throughout the area where fighting took place and all areas previously occupied by the EI and then liberated in 2018. This threat related to the presence of pyrotechnic pollution affects the entire population whitout distinction. It also negatively impacts all local and international emergency aid aions. In this context, it is urgent to strenghetn both awareness activities for the benefit of displaced populations or those on the move and to increase demining operaitons to enable the humanitarian emergency response to be organized to meet the needs of the population.
Contribute to the empowerment of local NGOs RMCO and WIFAQ, land clearance and restitution activites, and beneficiary awareness.
- Provide the necessary training to local demining teams to qualify them to international mine ation standards
- To carry out demining activities for the benefit of the civilian population
- Raise awareness among the population, particularly children, otf the risks associated with the presence of explosive devices
- Civilian population from Raqqah Governorate
- 11 months (02/2019 - 12/2019)
- 1,053,153 €
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