Mine and improvised explosive device risk education for displaced persons
Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan
The years of conflict in Iraq have resulted in a considerable amount of displacement. There are now more than 1.5 million internally displaced people in the country, 30% of whom still live in camps. The camps for displaced people are mainly concentrated in the north of the country. The governorate of Nineveh alone hosts about 30%. At the height of the crisis, the number of displaced people reached nearly 3.5 million (March 2016). The first returns began in the summer of 2017. One of the main threats to the return of populations to their areas of origin is contamination by explosive devices in the territory. The level of contamination in Iraq is considered one of the highest in the world. Our objective is to support the reinforcement of the local capacities of a local organization capable of protecting and informing the population in front of this risk and thus to decrease the numerous and tragic accidents that the population undergoes every day.
Contribute to the promotion of safety behaviors in the presence of explosive devices of all types, by supporting the local capacities and activities of a competent NGO, Shareteah Humanitarian Organization, in mine risk education.
- Provide explosive device awareness workshops to internally displaced persons (at risk group) through a team of 4 community liaison officers
- Provide specific workshop to key community members such as teachers, school personnel and medical staf
- Conduct pre- and post- surveys of MRE sessions to assess beneficiary uptake of key messages
Continue to build organizational capacity through collective project management: finance, procurement and human resources
- 1340 internal refugees
- 2 months (11/2019 - 01/2020)
- 13,000 €
Our local partner

Our financial partner

HAMAP-Humanitaire contact
Julia SCHWEITZER: julia.schweitzer@hamap.org
Zakaria ABBIOUI: zakaria.abbioui@hamap.org