Local support for access to water, sanitation and hygiene


This project is part of an institutional cooperation of the Loire Bretagne and Rhine Meuse Water Agencies with TSA (Tonle Sap Authority). A first identification mission was conducted in May 2015 with members of HAMAP-Humanitaire, TSA and L’OIeau in order to determine local needs and find a local partner. Following this first mission the commune of Putrea was designated as a priority area by TSA and Rainwater Cambodia was chosen to be the partner to follow the project locally. This two-phase project is part of a basin management program, and it was decided to set up similar projects in the whole area.


Improving access to safe water and sanitation facilities and supporting good hygiene practices in the commune of Putrea

Our partners

NGO Rain Water Cambodia

HAMAP contact

Maxime Decaens: maxime.decaens@hamap.org